"Well Wanted, Well Drilled,   Well Satisfied" 



M.W.D. Corp.
3774 State Rd. 13
Wis. Dells, WI 53965
Phone: (608) 253-2751
Toll-Free: (877) 553-7855
Email: admin@marshallwelldrillingcorp.com

 Terry Marshall started his business out of his father’s garage over 25 years ago.  What started out as a small company with a big heart has since become a well established corporation with an even bigger passion for Wisconsin’s groundwater.

In July of 1980, Terry recruited his brother Larry as his right- hand man.  All they had was a 22.W.B.E. Cable Rig, a ¾ ton Chevy pick-up used as the water and pump truck and the two of them.  With determination, support, and advice from his father-“Treat every job as if it were your own, to the best of your ability, and you will always have a job to do tomorrow,”-the company would soon expand beyond the seams of Bill Marshall’s garage on County Highway K.

In 1983, the company grew with new trucks and a new location.  Terry bought a second cable rig along with an International water truck and planted the company’s roots in his home garage on Gillette Lane.  They later sold one of the rigs to make do.

“Well Wanted, Well Drilled and Well Satisfied” was painted on every truck.  Terry wanted to advertise just what the company stood for-excellent service.

Forward thinking kept Marshall Well Drilling going strong.  In 1990, Terry purchased a rotary well drilling rig, a 1979 Schramm T64 HB with drill-through , casing hammer.  More wells drilled meant more pump installations and more help needed.  Two men on the rotary rig and two on the pump truck was all it took to keep the business successful.  But they didn’t stop there.

In 1992, they added a 1992 F-450 super duty truck with a Smeal  5-T pump hoist.  A couple of years later in 1994, Marshall Well Drilling became a corporation.  In 1996, Terry purchased a 416 Cat four-wheel drive extend-a-hoe backhoe with a trailer to haul it.  With all the fleet in tow, Marshall Well Drilling Corporation was now a full service operation.  There now was a new problem…the company was too large for a two-car garage.

n 2000, Marshall Well Drilling moved to its new and present location at 3774 State Hwy 13.  Complete with a new shop and office complex, the trucks fit with room to spare.  So, Terry bought a new 2003 T450 W.S. Schramm rig with an Atlas drill-through, casing hammer.  He also purchased a 2004 Freightliner truck with a flat water fleet rig tender unit.  Now they were in business!  Two drilling fleets meant two drilling crews and a pump crew that didn’t stop.

Throughout the expansion, the company has stuck to its motto.  Everyone from the pump installation and service crew, the drilling crews on up to the president himself stand behind their work.  We’re flexible, able to accommodate emergency situations for contractors and customers.  We do the work with respect and a love for the job at hand.

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